Battlefield 2 maps on battlefield 4
Battlefield 2 maps on battlefield 4

battlefield 2 maps on battlefield 4
  1. Battlefield 2 maps on battlefield 4 cracked#
  2. Battlefield 2 maps on battlefield 4 full#

Just because it’s a desert doesn’t mean there always has to be a fucking sandstorm. The balance is god awful regardless of what team you’re on, Attack Helis dominate and more so when the sandstorm rolls in. This map was designed for Conquest Assualt, but unfortunately that gamemode does not exist in BF4, so we’re stuck with regular conquest. Everytime Oman comes up on the loading screen I get so hyped up, i get in my RHIB and rush to the beach head… and no one’s there. Also, no one goes to the Gardens flag, no one.

Battlefield 2 maps on battlefield 4 full#

It’s so cramped and full of graphic particles, it’s the only map that actually gives my PS4 frame drops when on the rooftops, not to mention the soldiers all camouflage way too well with the grayscale palette. I have NO idea what I’m shooting at on this map, no idea where I’m being shot from, and the entire server is only at the rooftop flags, and some US snipers on the parking lot. There’s 2 things innovative about this map: the Levolution, and the fact that they somehow made Operation Locker’s clusterfuck worse and open-air at the same time. The one redemption in this map though is that it actually gives me a reason to use infantry-related gadgets like the Ballistic Shield. Overall: nothing to do, it’s just a constant clusterfuck and it honestly makes you want to question life as you see 3 RU squads go down the left flank and promptly get fucked by MP-APS and M249s. The only thing I tried on this map was going Recon as RU, throwing 3 smokes down the escalator, sprinting to the US spawn with no one noticing, and putting a spawn beacon, and then I would run out and SPAS-12 multiple squads in the back, but even then that got old fast. There’s nothing to do in this map other than spawncamp and be spawncamped. When that shit comes on Second Assault servers I just leave. Most of the battlefield maps in this list are tolerable for me, the core gameplay of BF4 keeps me playing regardless of the map.

battlefield 2 maps on battlefield 4

Some people love it, some hate it, and I’m definitely one of those who hate it.

Battlefield 2 maps on battlefield 4 cracked#

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Battlefield 2 maps on battlefield 4