Keeping “by” in lower case cleverly accentuates the theme of open-endedness, though it may have simply been the result of a typo left unattended. In a work by Alison Knowles, agency is more a function of adjacency, attachment, or intimacy than of ownership. Most obviously, “by” denotes authorship, as in a corpus of texts written by Alison Knowles, yet it also suggests facilitation, a process brought about by means of Alison Knowles, or proximity, i.e., close by Alison Knowles. The preposition’s pliability is the point.
Center: Alison Knowles.įEW TITLES ENCAPSULATE an exhibition’s argument as succinctly as “by Alison Knowles: A Retrospective (1960–2022).” Curator Karen Moss borrows that “by” from a slim volume of the same name, a collection of the artist’s compositions issued through the “Great Bear” pamphlet series of Something Else Press in 1965. Performance view, Festival of Misfits, Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, October 24, 1962. She filled out a consent form and held the clipboard under his hand so Gene could scrawl his initials, which he was able to do unsteadily.Alison Knowles, Proposition #2: Make a Salad, 1962. With thine own name scrawl'd through it, defacing a soul? " It displays a curious-looking scrawl which is the monogram of the first absolute king! Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley - Volume 2 Judging by my scrawl, which is worse than usual, I should say the anxiety had left its mark, but I am none the worse otherwise. We passed through bustling Hispanic neighborhoods filled with colorful bodegas and the smells of hot frying food, and through quieter areas where the signs were in Asian scrawl. The clock anvil and the lie that business creates jobs I recall the scrawl that ran just below the "McDonald's": "10,000 hamburgers served." Historical Documentation Concerning the Radical Piracy of _Wat Tyler_
There was no other copy in existence except the original scrawl, which is now lying up stairs in an old trunk full of papers.

This series of paintings takes as its title a scrawl of graffiti on a rock-cut along the Trans Canada Highway near Sudbury. thank goodness for spellchecker as my typing is just as bad – but at least the letters are uniformly shaped. All rights reserved.įor anyone who has been unlucky enough to befall the horrors of my handwriting, firstly I say I’m sorry – but secondly – if I did that, I would have no idea what I have just written – much less the scrawl from a day ago.